I was using my semi auto cocoa farm, and I press the button. Then all the cocoa is broken and falls to the grown and gets deleted. This happened 3 times in one day, and I want to know the times of when the server butchers all entities on the server. Also, why is the warning gone on when it will happen? There used to be a warning. Is there a way for me to turn on the warnings for myself?
Actually, there is no butcher in the main worlds - in the main worlds it is simply the vanilla glitch of items despaawning very fast. This has been an issue a while ago when many tools got lost when thrown during repairs. So, nothing that ECC could fix as it is a vanilla bug.
Don't break so much cocoa at once. It's a known issue with mc. Any more than 36 stacks is almost guaranteed to incurr some loss.
Ah, I was breaking more than 36 stacks... That explains it. I'm going to have to cut the farms in half to take out the issue then.
Oh hold up...36 planted stacks, so 108 harvested stacks. But it depends on how much water u got flowing and how spread ur farm is