Hi, The new feature to be able to cmodify a shop chest so others can stock it is not quite working for GooeyLizard9000 and myself. He is typing /cmodify SwiftRaptor98 then left clicking the chest but I still cant open. Thanks
@SwiftRaptor98 @GooeyLizard9000 Is this a single chestshop, like in this report here? https://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/adding-users-to-single-chest-chestshop-not-working.203469/ Also, does the town you are in have any flags? Such as a chest-access deny flag?
I've now verified this bug and have reported it to the developer of the plugin. It is an issue with single chests indeed.
Our town has the invincibility flag, day lock flag and speed flag but only in the berry farm plot. Yes, it only works on double chests not singles as it works now that we changed the chests to double chests