i'm glad you have but not every has and i would like to point this out as many people use the term "mini-mod" in the wrong manner.
i wish i could say this thread is basically a form of mini-modding but that statement itself would be mini-modding. so i won't say that...
I'm guessing he posted this, because staff apps are open, and there tends to be a lot of mini modding when they're open.
I do say, this is always evident, although i don't want to mention any names, i see a lot of people do this, ever some of the higher /mayors/presidents.
As i thought and will use laff80 as an example (srry) but people people of all ranks need to understand the rules put before them. The rule states "We encourage the users of EcoCityCraft to help each other" as well as "Mini-modding... happens when users start telling other users what to do ... on the server" This being said what i as well as most people have done is not "mini-moding but as the rule itself states is simply being a helpful member of the server. As for xX3PICREBELXx i hope you are not talking to me as this would be extremely rude and i would expect far better from someone your rank.
If someone minimods.. and you tell them not to minimod.. you are technically enforcing the no minimodding rule which makes you both minimodders! *brain explodes* Honestly, all users who apply for staff are expected to know the rules as they will be the ones enforcing them. Staff applications should be considered like any other application. There is no need to act all different and flock to spawn. I pay closer attention to a user's behavior before the applications are even open. Your behavior and how you handle things plays a bigger part than how you act when applications are open. I am always watching.
I am fully aware of the rules as they are easily accessible in the TAB "Rules/Agreements" which I was required to read when applying for resident and again for each successive rank and feature that I have applied for since. Posting a small extract of the rules in the general section of the forums is not appropriate. This thread will not be accurate if there are amendments made to that section of the rules. The rules and wiki are what are known as a controlled environment. They are maintained with the most up to date information relating to the server and should be the only point of reference. I'm am simply highlighting this, so that 6 months down the track a player might be reading this thread thinking it's accurate information when in fact there could be changes to that rule. You could say I'm simply trying to be a helpful member for the server.