Did you get scammed but don't have the proper screenshot to show because you forgot? If so I may have a solution that could help you. In just under 5 minutes you can catch the scammer and report him/her to the moderators. Just follow these simple steps to show evidence when needed upfront: 1) Press on the "start menu" and in search type %appdata% 2) Click on .minecraft 3) Next click near the bottom of the file, output-client, it will show the history of everything that has ever happened in your minecraft chat. 4) Find your evidence and present it to the authorities. *WARNING* Moderators may not accept this since the file can be modified. But in extreme cases this may be your last evidence. I hope this helps.
Ye this would never be accepted because as you said it can be modified very easily, the server does log it also so it is possible for the server admins to check.
Thats what im thinking, what if we were to provide the evidence and it matched up to what the server admin had....
Then what would be the point in providing the evidence from your own logs when the server already logs it, the only thing that would be of much use is the time stamps that are added.
The staff team does not accept any evidence other than proper screenshots. It is your responsibility to make sure you get all the needed evidence if you were to get scammed. They will not look through the logs. I understand why.
This ^ We don't accept anything except in-game screenshots, this means no minechat, or any other chatclient. Only in-game minecraft.