So. Here it is. I want to make money on ecc. I want to make money selling houses and homes in ecc. I can't make good quality houses without fly. Even with a booster fly is still 450k, and that's if someone buys a booster when I happen to be on. I need to get 450k. HOW?! Any solutions? I would be grateful for a loan with a small interest rate. Post below
Ask someone with fly to help you build. Build prebuilds Repeat until you get 450k Buy fly while booster is active.
Go out and earn real money with a real life job. Earn $65 in real life. Go to the Bank tab on ECC, Exchange $65 for $461,500 ECD You could probably wash like 12 cars for a fiver each, probably take less then 2 days, a week if you wanna be lazy