I can't connect to ANY servers except for 1, which I probably can't have posted here... They are all stuck at "Can't connect to server" and when I try to log in to the servers, I get "Logging in" for a long time, then it says "Connection Reset"!!!! Help!!!
Hello, I would suggest resetting your computer/internet. If the problem persists, i would advise waiting for some time, perhaps it will automatically be fixed. zedoker
zedoker I have waited a full day, reset my computer, reset my internet, and have done everything I can... I really want to come back on ECC~ I'm extremely bored!!
Hmm, i am not extremly good with computers, so I am sorry to say, you might need to ask someone who is good with them. Sorry about this.
I just now figured out it's just ECC and one other server I can't connect to. The rest I can connect to fine. [just fyi, it's just some other server] Edit: This is odd... I have tried to connect to another server and it doesn't work as well... I'm thinking this is something to do with the IP addresses or something along those lines, because there are choice servers I can and cannot connect to- more the positive than the negative, fortunately.