Brief Description: I'm trying to break 2 trade signs in my town to retrieve the spruce logs in them, but it gives me an error message and won't let me break the signs. How many times did you recreate this bug?: I made 2 trade signs a few weeks ago and neither will break. Now, when I try to make new signs the same way it won't work and says "Error: unknown item name: plog" Result: When I try to break one of the signs it won't break, and says "Error: unknown item name: plog" Expected Result: The signs should break and the spruce logs in the signs should be placed in my inventory. Evidence: ... c324e9.png ... c69102.png
I tried it again and the same thing happens. It still won't break and I get the same message: " Error: unknown item name: plog"
plog is no longer in the items.csv, it doesn't work anymore. andrewkm can manually add it to the file.