Minecraft Username: subxplorer Brief Description: When I do /itemdb on a potion no matter the potion I get "Item: Potion - 373:0" if it is a splash potions I get "Item: SPLASH_POTION - 438:0" Also I am unable to place potions into current trade signs or create new trade signs for potions Instructions: Place any potion in your hand and type the command /itemdb. In addition try to place a potion into a trade sign and you will be unable to. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 10+ I also tried both old potions and ones brewed after the 1.9 update and the results were the same. Result: The command /itemdb on a potion no matter the potion the result is "Item: Potion - 373:0" if it is a splash potion the result is "Item: SPLASH_POTION - 438:0" Potions cannot be placed into trade signs. Expected Result: The /itemdb should have the correct name thus allowing the item to be placed into a trade sign. Evidence: None. Takes seconds to reproduce
Potions now use NBT tags which trade signs and itemdb don't use. Similar to how you can't sell enchanted items in trade signs.
As subxplorer informed me about the bug indirectly (discussing it in local chat at his spawnshop and mine is near his), I decided to attempt to assist him. What I found out is that there is reason to believe that if this bug is actually existent, this bug is not just prevalent in the spawnshops but also in rising towns, unprotected areas in rising, legacy towns, and unprotected areas in rising. I can post proof if needed. I tried it with only the 8:00 potion of night vision (only potion I had on me at that moment). I tried with the number code (373:8262) and with nepot and neither worked. In discussing this issue with players via global chat (specifically @priMELval) I learned that it could possibly be due to the fact that potions use NBT tags and trade signs don't. It was actually priMELval who hypothesised that. But that's just my two cents (more like two dollars lol) on the bug.
Addition to my reference to NBT tags: that might also apply to spawn eggs and enchanted books but I have tested neither because I'm just a broke nub who can't afford either. Well I can but I'm saving my money and don't wish to spend money for the sole purpose of posting evidence in regards to a bug.
@JamieSinn please look into this. If you find the issue, please get a ticket in github so we can track all this properly and work at it one by one. If indeed it is not worth fixing we may look into alternative solutions for shops. @JamieSinn please make the issue tracker ticket regardless.
You gotta do it eventually. Right now Mojang still has backwards compatibility with damage values and item IDs, but they're mostly using NBT values nowadays. Item IDs/damage values will likely disappear by 1.10. Trade signs also cannot possibly support UUIDs, so you gotta adopt something else eventually. Better ease into it while you can.
I'm planning on looking into something that is inventory/gui based, UUID proof, and can use with a proper database.
Well, yeah, that's what I meant. I hadn't a specific plugin in mind. Be sure to make it use signs though, because a shop system without signs would destroy the current market.
Signs for interacting and popping up the GUI, yeah, but not actually storing any needed info on the sign.
I don't believe this is fixable, a minecraft udpate a few updates ago changed the type of entity it is (or something along those lines) that do not work with trade signs. So I'm fairly sure it's NOT fixable in general with our current trade signs. Although I agree, it'd be graet because with END there is actually some USE for potions atm.
In a way. Potions previously used meta IDs to identify the effect of a potion; 1.9 changed it to NBT values. ECC's current trade signs can only look at an item's ID and meta ID, which is also the reason why named or enchanted tools don't work with trade signs - most of their attributes exist in NBT form, which is simply not compatible with the trade sign plugin ECC uses at the moment.