Hi. I'm trying to clear a melon farm and when I attack a melon with an axe (with or without silk touch or other enchantments) it will not let me destroy it. The melons just reappear immediately, quicker than they would it if it was server lag. I've tried different farms and I have the same issue. I can destroy them (slowly) by hand, and pumpkins are fine, it's just melons.
You cannot destroy them with an axe because we have melon swords and don't want them to become worthless. Hope this helps
Other than hand, there is a melon sword that an be purchased from other users for EcoDollars, or from the star shop for 2000 nether stars. Other than that, nothing major that will speed up the process. Sorry.
You could use another tool enchanted with Silk Touch to farm melons, but it'd be way too slow to be worth it.