Earlier today, Wednesday October 23rd/2013, a call of duty and borderlands youtuber known as "yoteslaya" passed away. His name was Brian Rickard, and how he died is kind of vulgar so read the news report if you'd like but don't blame me for anything... please note that he is not a small youtuber, as he has over 500k subscribers. (Or had...) R.I.P Yoteslaya AKA Brian Rickard Note: This could have been a troll from some rumour spreading that it is him, but it was in the area he lived and had his age and name. I guess you can just watch to see if he posts more videos. Yoteslaya's YouTube Channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/yoteslaya/videos Fox59 News Report: http://fox59.com/2013/10/23/three-d...ides-with-train-in-vigo-county/#axzz2iZHUVRxX
Let's hope Gearbox make him as some sort of NPC or something like that as a way to memorialise him. I'm sure with enough backing Gearbox would do it as Yoteslaya was such a loyal; person to Borderlands 2.