Minecraft Username: SuburbSomeone Brief Description: When I tried to auction twenty nether stars, I was unable to do so. I tested this out with various objects, and it appears that the bug is not exclusive to any specific item. It appears that there must be a buyout price to auction any item. Instructions: 1. Use the auction plugin and attempt to start an auction without a buyout price. How many times did you recreate this bug?: About 20-30 times. Result: Please enter a valid number Expected Result: [ECCAuc] To stop seeing auctions use /ch leave auc [ECCAuc] SuburbSomeone auctions 20 Nether Star (hover over) for $12600 [ECCAuc] The auction will last for 1 minute [ECCAuc] The bidding increment is $100 Evidence:
So this applies to all ranks in this case? Then I'd ask you to change the title to simply "Buyout-related Auction System Bug"
It may be buyout related, may be rank related, however I'm an EcoLeader and still had this issue. Will change name and tag @JamieSinn to take a look.
@andrewkm - Sorry if this comes off as impatient, but this bug has been fixed (as you have acknowledged yourself through liking my posts) and you have yet to lock the thread.
Help&Support threads are not to be locked. If a player needed help, another one might at a later date, too. If it's a bug report, the bug could reappear.