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Discussion in 'Help & Support / Errors & Bugs' started by ScottTheGOD, Jul 20, 2013.

  1. ScottTheGOD

    ScottTheGOD President
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    Feb 26, 2013
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    Minecraft Username: ScottTheGOD

    Brief Description: Wood half slabs do not get destroyed with a axe.

    Instructions: Wood half slabs get destroyed by every except a axe. The wooden half slabs will disappear and come right back every time you use a axe on them. You can sit there all day trying to destroy a wood half slab with a axe it will just come right back.

    How many times did you recreate this bug?: lots of times.

    Result: N/A

    Expected Result: To be destroyed.

    Evidence: Try it your self I also had trevalynfar Come and try it him self.
  2. trevalynfar

    trevalynfar Builder
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    Sep 22, 2012
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    I can confirm that a maxed axe will seem to destroy the block but it just flickers back into existence. You can break the wooden slab block by any other means (fist, pick, shovel) but not with an axe.
  3. Quieted

    Quieted Builder
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    May 20, 2013
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    I think this has something to do with the ability to break stone slabs with an axe- a bug that was fixed. Maybe it carried over to all slabs?
  4. jvhosmuffin

    jvhosmuffin Builder
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    May 4, 2013
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    I just came across this today, and trevalynfar referred me to this bug report. Here's what I have found (all my tools are eff 4 or eff 5, as far as speed goes):

    1. Fist breaks very* slowly (bug), item goes away (correct), item doesn't drop as entity (bug)
    2. Shovel works slowly (correct), item goes away (correct), item doesn't drop as entity (correct)
    3. Axe works quickly (correct), item doesn't go away (bug)
    4. Pickaxe works quickly (bug), item goes away (bug), item drops as entity (bug)

    Stone slab:
    1. Fist breaks slowly (correct), item goes away (correct), item doesn't drop as entity (correct)
    2. Shovel works slowly (correct), item goes away (correct), item doesn't drop as entity (correct)
    3. Axe works very quickly (bug), item doesn't go away (correct)
    4. Pickaxe works very quickly (correct), item goes away (correct), item drops as entity (correct)

    So, there's my research. I hope this helps kuke or whoever figure out why this is. You can confirm my research if you want, but I double checked all of it to make sure.

    * "very slowly" as opposed to just plain "slowly" denotes that it should be slow, but in fact it's TOO slow, which is why it's a bug.
  5. MsMoofin

    MsMoofin (Don't) Paddle (the) Cow
    Builder ⛰️ Ex-President ⚒️⚒️ Premium Upgrade

    Apr 16, 2011
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    EDIT: Every type of wooden slab I break is the same speed with axe (fast), with pickaxe (medium-slow), and with fist (slow). They all drop the wooden slab. Every time I tried to break any of them, they would flicker back - didn't matter what tool/fist I used - so that is probably a server lag and/or prevent thing.

    Stone slabs, however, break as I remember them: Fast with a pickaxe, medium-slow with an axe, and "why even bother?" with a fist. Drops with a pickaxe, doesn't drop with an axe, and doesn't break with a fist; usually flickered back, even with a pickaxe.

    Is any of this with all types wooden slabs, or not? Literally, just yesterday, I was perfectly able to break all wooden slabs (spruce, oak, birch, jungle) with axes and they would drop like normal.

    However, for a very long time, oak wooden half slabs have been pickaxe for fast-breaking and drops; this has carried over from their original state and before the multiple colors of wood. Far as I know, Mojang never fixed it... (I even have it in SSP/CSP, still.) This seems to have changed in the past few days/week...

    Fists break most anything pretty slow, but I don't know specific speeds with blocks. All I know is that it sometimes isn't logical.

    As for flickering, make sure you client(s) aren't bugging out and the server isn't lagging; I am always having block-breaking issues with blocks "flickering back," no matter what I use. However, the faster a tool I use, the more often things "flicker" back.

    I shall go test now to see if I have any issues (I have non-enchanted tools), and report back.
    #5 MsMoofin, Jul 21, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2013