Selling stuff that might sparkle to your eye Spoiler: Tools Tools that may interest you. Shears 1 shear. 10$ Fishing rod 1 fishing rod. 2$ Diamond Tools Iron Tools 1 Iron axe. 75$ 1 Iron spade. 75$ Gold Tools 1 Diamond sword. 75$ Spoiler: Armor Leather Horse armor Saddles Diamond Diamond chestplate. Spoiler: Books Power 1 book x2. 300$/each Fortune 3. 3600$ Depth strider 3. 3600$ Protection 3, knockback 2. 2100$ Spoiler: Blocks/Items 9 Glowstone blocks. 0.30$/each 1 Prismarine blocks. 1$/each Will try to update this a much as I can. Pm me in game, post here mail me or send me a forum pm if you are interested in purchasing anything Legend: If dont metion anything about enchants on items, it not got any. If I dont mention anything about it being used, its not used. Tiny URL:
Is that $75 per iron horse armor or $75 for all 6? I'm interested in both the iron and gold horse armor. Also I can repair those diamond tools for you for free if you'd like, just catch me in game.
Sorry, thats 75$ per. I didnt notice I didnt say say that. I will try to catch you in game for the armor.
Thanks to @Ladyvamptress for making the first purchase of 7 horse armor. They have removed from the listing Enchanted books have been added to the listing.
I am interested in purchasing some of your items, please watch for me in game - the best way is to send me a mail!
I highly recommend @That1Person2 if you are needing anything he is selling. Easy to work with and great prices. Hopefully he will have a shop someday
I should be on today. Thanks! I might be getting myself a spawnshop soon but have other plans to spend my money on.
I have added trade signs for safe sale, but other items that cant be sold from trade signs are done with chests Also, thread updated,
The quartz was a great deal for me, however I suggest you have the option of buying in bulk, not by 1 piece