WELCOME TO THEBUILDERS' RIGHTS UNION.EQUALITY FOR ALL, NOT JUST THE RICH The Builders have lived too long in these conditions.Segregation against Builders has simply gone too far.Why should we be treated poorly because we don't want to give you our hard-earned money?Or if we're not ALLOWED to donate?Or if we don't have much time to invest in the server?WE DEMAND SATISFACTION. If you agree with me, send me and AndrewKM mail on ECC and keep this post at the top. Elsewise, go die in a hole.
That was kinda harsh I have to say. BTW im definitely not "rich" I worked hard to get all my money it didnt just drop outta the sky in a little box.
I disagree with you but i'm not gonna go start digging a hole. Everyone has to go through being a builder everyone has to pay thier 15K some time. Yes it takes time but it matures and teaches you more about the server the time to reach resident. Don't start mailing Andrewmk everone has equal amount of work to do for their money. If you need help with finding a stable home pm me I will help but just because you dont want to work doesnt mean to hate everyone. Infact, no one forced you to do hard work and play this server.
I half way agree with you..... Builders ARE not as trusted as normal players, however, Builders aren't hated... I do most of my business with Builders and Residents, as they always have the best prices.... IDK, a "union" is far to much... Just look at real world events! Unions aren't half as productive as they want to be.
We do what we can for builders, but, as they are new to the server we do have to wonder if they have got what it takes to stick, and any seeming mistrust or 'hatred' is based upon that. Freecycle (HQ being built right now) gives enchanted tools and items to builders and residents that apply for them. All available items are given by "rich" players as donations. Manpower is a job seek service. If you want work, apply there. If you need workers, apply there. We have stringent standards for workers and employers to ensure everyone is treated fairly. Feed & Seed (being built) will give builders low-rent access to farms and housing to help them get started on the path to Resident. Several users (including oYsTeR140) have "builder only" towns, at low or no cost for plots, to help builders get started There are a LOT of programs open and available. I don't seen the need for a Union, as there are a lot of other ways to get help around here.
TBH this is pretty idiotic in my opinion. Pwnzor unitl mid November I was a builder since April. There aren't any problems with builders rights and in fact if you feel that they are to limited then go take your weeping ass out of the forums and make money like I did. Key to making money as well is to make friends and connections. Just as I did with some very powerful people. Enough said
50 Cent's best quote (and album title): "Get Rich or Die Tryin" That's kinda the point of an economy server.
If you want my opinion, this is ridiculous. I have been on this server for 11 months now, and I finally got president last week. If you think that buying a rank is stupid, tell that to the people that have bought tycoon or even ecoleader. We worked for our money, and we buy ranks. Guess what we do after that! We make the money back to buy more ranks. The reason that builders are "segregated" on ECC is 80-90% of builders that join our server leave and don't even stay to try it out. Another reason would be that some builders that want to get a jumpstart on money try to scam. Keep in mind that I said some. I'm afraid builders will always be known as that "untrustworthy" rank, mostly because some of them are. If you want to be respected, buy mayor. That's all I can say.
I have to agree with fleetfooter and go on to say that everyone is a builder at some stage (save for maybe andrewkm) the first 15k is not too hard to save for, at the most it should a 15 days. (Voting). Essentially the transition from builder to resident is the proving point for new blood to the server. Have you got what it takes to become a resident of the ecc server?
From looking at most of the posts here http://ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/how-long-did-it-take-to-get-your-rank.31423/, it would appear that a good average for builders to reach resident would be about a month. Those folk probably were just enjoying the server, and not too concerned with ranking up right away. A few of us on there though, wanted to rank up as fast as we could. Those of us who did, took less a week to save the money to get resident. If you want more respect, the rank up. Until then, you are stuck being just another builder. Like KMaxwell was pointing out as well, there are plenty of people on the server looking to help builders make some money. I have a massive pumpkin farm that I use to give builders a job. They farm the pumpkins for me, then sell them to my trade sign for profit. If you really are having a hard time getting from builder to resident, contact me and I'll let you work on my farm.
I don't get what you're trying to get done here, Builders have very good abilities for starting out with nothing. Just spend a few hours and get resident via mining. Residents are very well off with their abilities/rights.
It's not about me. It's about all the Builders who get a rough start. I'm saving up for Resident and eventually Mayor, so I can better serve those who are mistreated. I have no problem getting the money. But others do. Regards, --TehPwnzor
With the recent map expansion, builders should have no problems at all with acquiring wealth and making their way in this server.
It isnt that hard to get 15k. Often, if builders want to pm me a valid reason for money, if i have some, i may give them some. We at ecc are kind to the hard workers that people that work for what they have. I was a builder for 4 months before becoming resident and i was fine with it. I also help out builders by letting them use my farm when they need money and will provide an axe if they need one. If you have a problem getting money, and want to use my farm, shoot me a pm in game or mail me, as i rarely use it anymore. Tdogg120
If you don't feel good being a builder, just go save up money and get higher ranks just as everyone does, has done and is supposed to do, and no need to bash or create this 'unions' or pseudo-revolutions against those who have spent their valuable time in achieving so. ANYONE can get higher ranks if they work enough; some will take longer, but still will be able to. Even if rights were exclusive to an specific rank (which isn't true), you could always save up to have them yourself. Nobody is forcing you to be a builder forever; this isn't fighting for rights, this is just pure laziness.
I think you misunderstand. Most builders (including me) have no problem getting the money. But why should we be treated poorly in the meantime? THAT is the base of this operation. Regards, -TehPwnzor
I am not saying that builders should be treated badly. I have never done it intentionally and apologize if I ever did it unintentionally. Nobody is to ever be treated poorly at any time. Also, if you don't have problems getting the money, why stick to that rank if you're supposedly being mistreated as a builder? Yes, I know a lot of people take advantage of builders, but in the end some situations that might actually seem unfair, are those things that make the economy work and help builders 'evolve.' An example: A president with access to a giant farm simply won't accept a 10 minute job for $250, while a builder probably will, as by doing many jobs (and saving up the money) they will be able to BUY access to one of those farms, and largely increase their income. The main point being, most builders (especially newcomers) don't have a way of earning steady amounts of cash. Aswell, builders can reject ANY job they feel isn't worth the pay. Note: I'm not saying that nobody will ever take advantage of you, so you gotta be careful. But knowing the rules so you don't get scammed is your responsibility. If you get treated poorly because of not doing so it is YOUR fault. Most importantly, if ANYONE is being mean, rude or aggressive towards you or other players, no matter what their rank is, you can always speak to a mod or a higher authority about it, or file a complaint. It isn't just your right, but your duty