I've been riding an afk rail for about 30 minutes to do some things around the house. I came back, hit shift to hop out, and was instantly kicked. Everytime i try to log back in i get kicked immediately. The half second i can see shows me stuck halfway in a minecart in the ground. clou44 told me to screenie the error and post it here. *edit* I finally solved this problem. Restarting my computer and my client did not help. I changed to a different profile, still didnt work. However I changed profiles, then restarted the client. When I logged in the next time, i was able to log in. However as soon as i moved, the kicks started again. I changed profiles again, then restarted my client. Logged in, and before moving, I did /home. Working fine now. I'm scared of minecarts though. http://i.imgur.com/HX4D1Ba.png?1