Minecraft Username: Weatherfreak1 Brief Description: I had my screen glict up an i got to see caves through stone, dirt, and gravel, but no ores in the gaps between the caves in the mining world without x-ray, my internet was lagging to Instructions: N/A How many times did you recreate this bug?: 15+ Result: was able to see through things Expected Result: not able to see though things Evidence: Not X-Ray!!!
as long as you dont use the xray to your advantage and go and mine the ores you should be fine, the server has been lagging a bit for some people so it will probably go away after the lag.
Lag is the cause of this. If you have optifine, update it. If you don't have optifine, get the latest version, optifine is the miracle cure for all render and lag problems. :b
i have a gaming computer i built myself for christmas, 8 GB ram MSI Afterburner GeForce GTX 660 Graphics card AMD Phenom II X4 3.4 GHz GIGABYTE 970A-UD3 mother board **EDIT** I do have it set to milticore, it is quad core
1. Press ESC. 2. Go to options. 3. Go to video settings. 4. Click on chunk loading 5. Change it to default.
Well when my settings were at multi-core the same thing happened to me as it did to weather. Changing to to default fixed it.