Minecraft Username: 314. Brief Description: Items can be wiped using the anvil restrictions. Instructions: Open the anvil GUI. Click on an item (preferably not a very expensive one) to make it stick to your cursor. Shift-click another item to move it to the anvil slots. As intended, the GUI closes. As not intended, the first item disappears. How many times did you recreate this bug?: One involuntary attempt, two voluntary attempts, three resulting occurrences. Result: The second item is ejected, the first item is wiped without a trace. Expected Result: To have all items ejected. Evidence: #IAEAJFF3 (Max fortune pickaxe) tool logs end when the tool was used within the anvil (as stated by Clar). #I9K9QYED (Stone flux pickaxe) may have been wiped accidentally during purposeful testing.
Bumping for @JamieSinn - need you to look into this thread. Update on the status. If it's a bug please report/make issue on github and PM me the relevant links.