Minecraft Username: @Mcguy65 Brief Description: If you type "/sell hand 1" it will take away a whole stack plus 1 block of what you are wanting to sell.. Instructions: have multiple stacks of something in your inv and type /sell hand 1 and it will take away 1 stack plus 1 block. How many times did you recreate this bug?: multiple times Result: Bull shit Expected Result: for it to work. Evidence: Extra info, I understand there are already reports about this bug, but they dont seem to be looked at or acknowledged, I made another. Since we do not have access to /worth we actually need this command to work.. Thanks for your time.
https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/bug-report-sell-eats-items.164147 https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/sell-hand-64-bug.161829 Posting another report for the same problem doesn't magically fix it, it simply makes it harder to find every piece of information about the bug if it is spread across multiple threads.
Due to health issues (still ongoing) on my end everything was on hold between the months of February - Now. I've just recently returned and @JamieSinn wasn't able to do much without having me around. We've been working on tons throughout the past 2-3 days and hope to have these issues fixed soon. Our essentials re-write is underway and we made some heavy progress today. I'm hoping to have a fix live on the server within 2-3 days assuming things go well with the code/testing.
Tested and fixed. Will be on the server once we go live with our major plugin re-write. Aiming for tonight.