Minecraft Username: TheHolyStick22 Brief Description: In sg, players are invisible who don't have spy, and have no particles. Instructions: Join sg, not see certain players. How many times did you recreate this bug?: I've seen it 3 times Result: I can't hit or see the players. Expected Result: I would be able to hit the players. Evidence: N/A
I can confirm this too I have been in many sgs and have someone like this in it... I hope this gets fixed.
This has happened to me too, also their weapons or what they have in hand is invisible, I was staring at one of them and an arrow just appeared out of no where
Also someone earlier joined the game visible, left the game, and then rejoined again and the user was invisible
I can confirm this has happened to me in sg 4 to be specific. It was a builder and he was not a supporter. I thought maybe he got potions or something but there were zero particles and I could not see him.