USername: istomp_kittens Info: My melon sword was rent out to a player, When i was offline the user passed the melon sword to Mista_j to get repaired. The user threw it on the ground and mista_j and the user werent able to pick it up. Evidence: If issue can be resolved i would like either, 400k or another melon sword, Due to the server lagging alot yesterday i kinda expected this kind of thing to happen.
Hello, I experienced a similar thing with an axe and a hoe as well (Making a farm), and i couldnt pick it up for some time either. I think that it was lag that created this situation, but sadly i dont think anything can be done about this. Zedoker
If you dug one block lower you probably would've gotten it, like zedoker says, it was probably lag. I recommend using chests to give other people items, it's safer.