Minecraft Username: JokerBoss99 Brief Description: I did /server main and spawned in the end, falling... I thankfully was smart enough to do /spawn or else I would've lost everything I had. I also don't have the rank required to go into the end, and because of that I can't get back anywhere... Stuck forever in the end. Instructions: Do /server main and then fall in the end and almost die, and not be able to go through the teleport or go anywhere. How many times did you recreate this?: Once on the falling and dying, but multiple on not being able to get to the overworld. Result: Spawning in the end. Expected Result: Spawning in the overworld, and not dying. Evidence:
Lul, I'm stupid, thanks LeosZombie for letting me know I can /warp out.... Yikes alright sorry about that one. Still is a bug that I was in there myself tho.
@JokerBoss99 when you are online please get a staff member to force tp you out of the end. CC: @STAFF-01 Moderator Edit: Oh wait, you can /warp out.