Minecraft Username: WolvieD2GMark Brief Description: I have a ReedField, its on the cusp of two chunks I believe, the problem is the crops are de-spawning. (More specifically one to three lines of reed are just popping) (As if you hadn't filled a condition for them to be there. (Like light)) I believe I have full-filled the conditions for the crops to grow. Its strange, I believe its a chunk issue but I may be mistaken. (That's just the conclusion I have reached). When I check the spaces with my Investigator, it says I had planted the crop. No other evidence of a player breaking them. Instructions: Go to my Co-Ordinates. -11663.036 / 66.5 / 12991.168 Look for the line of crops missing. Plant them. Leave Chunk (Make sure no-one else is here too!) ReEnter Chunk All Reeds pop. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Three so far. Result: Crops always pop, no idea why. (the belief here is that cause their is two chunks, and the farm goes across them, its popping for some reason.) Expected Result: Crops shouldn't be popping. Evidence: I have no evidence because I dno how I could show this via screenshots. If you go to the co-ordinates, you can reproduce the strange happenings.
I'm going to take a guess and say those lines of reeds are on a chunk boundary. This means occasionally the chunk with the sugar cane will load before that with the water, and so it'll pop off because it doesn't "see" any water there. If this is the case this is really a vanilla issue and there isn't anything we can do. I would recommend not planting crops there.