Minecraft Username: myminecrafter01 Brief Description: WorldGuard bug allows you to grief saplings. Instructions: 1. Get someone to place a sapling, as far as I can tell it doesn't matter what kind, in a WorldGuard region you are not a member or owner of. 2. Right click the sapling with bone meal in your hand. You may need to use several bone meal. 3. When the tree should grow it won't, as expected, but the sapling disappears with the message "Hey! Sorry, but you can't place that block here.". How many times did you recreate this bug?: Several. Tried with jungle, birch, oak and spruce saplings. Result: Sapling disappeared. Expected Result: Sapling to not disappear. Evidence:
@JamieSinn please check this out and provide a report on sk89q tracker if necessary using our version numbers.