Minecraft Username: picky2708 Brief Description: When I go to ecocitycraft.com, then vote all 6 times, and log on to my MC Account and go to the ECC Server, I although get the ECC money, do not get any Nether Stars. This is strange, because as far as I know, I don't think anyone else is having this problem. Instructions: 1. Go to ecocitycraft.com 2. Vote all 6 times 3. Log one to Minecraft, and go to the ECC Server 4. Type /bal, and notice that you did get the money, but did not get any Nether Stars. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 2 days of voting Result: Did not get any Nether Stars for voting. Expected Result: Did not get any Nether Stars for voting. Evidence: N/A
Yes. I really am not sure what is causing this problem. I don't think it's server lag, as it's been 2 days, now going on the third day. I am logged in, and I am typing my username correctly, as I said I got the ECC Money before. The only thing I can think of is a server bug/error.
Voting works fine for me. As long as I'm in-game and enter my IGN correctly, I receive the money and stars.
Good idea. It's just, they need to recognize my name, because the money gets sent to my account. I will anyway, as there may be a voting glitch that did not recognize the Nether Star update. But, why does it do that for some people, but not others? Any further details about this, or any information about this will be posted on this thread, if it is not closed or locked by a ServerAdmin/Mod. Thanks for the reply!
The only voting site that doesn't work for me is Planet Minecraft. I've contacted them several times about this issue and they reported to me that usernames with "_" in the name are not recognized. Seeing as you're name does not contain an underscore I doubt that is the issue. I would also recommend contacting the sites. It may be a little out of the way but it's the best thing you can do to ensure that you get your nether stars. You may even help those sites uncover some bugs.
Happens to me too, planet Minecraft doesn't give any netherstars or money (it doesn't appear on in-game chat), but my name has no "_" in it...odd.
Problem Solved! I just wanted to thank andrewkm and the ECC Support Team! Mod, please lock this thread now.