Minecraft Username: @StanleyMines Brief Description: 1. Player is unable to unOwn items after a name change; 2. unOwn goes by username attached, not player uuid. 3. Upon death, username isnt cleared from owned item. Instructions: 1. name change, then try /own remove (Item ID) 2. ^ 3. die with /owned items. May be because of tombstone; even dieing where a tombstone cant be placed, name and player uuid stay. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 1. every time I try (8items*3tries) 2. 3 (^) 3. 2 (dieing in tripwire; drowning) Result: 1. still owned by old name 2. unOwn goes by name, not uuid. 3. item unaffected Expected Result: 1. item to be unowned 2. item goes by player's uuid, not name 3. name (maybe uuid) get unattached to item Evidence: @ClarinetPhoenix @emongolab were there when I tried to unown the items Item I9C2K9XJ; changed over to my name by @ClarinetPhoenix.
Once the items were put in the tombstone, I realized that they probably would require the items to be droped to loose the attached name. Afterwards i tried falling and drowning. Both gave the items back on the ground, with name and my player uuid still attached. I then pm'd Clar. She changed the item's ownership to me. Sorry i didnt post earlyer, fourms seemed down for me last night.
This has been resolved. Seems like there is a special case with name changes. The fix will be live after the next maintenance period
Will the fix affect someone who already changed their name. (pygmy55 to travellord) My pumpkin axe says pygmy55 still so after the fix will it change to travellord?