Minecraft Username: Dccciz Brief Description: /tpc returns "Can't get a safe location" in both rising and legacy Instructions: Go to legacy. Type /tpc (x), (z) and it comes back with an error message. I even made sure that the space I was tping to was safe, but I still got an error. How many times did you recreate this bug?: As many times as I tried, 10+. Works for everyone else. Result: Can't get a safe location Expected Result: tp to the specified coords Evidence: worked for @zorracraft and @wolfwoodnyo, but not me the quicker this gets fixed, the better. I need to make sure some of my chests are ok, but I have no way of getting to them
Cannot reproduce. Provide the co-ordinates you are trying. If private PM nicit6 and jamiesinn to investigate if perhaps you are attempting to tp to an incorrect area.
In the video, you're putting a comma after the first coordinate. It can't find the x coordinate "14000,". The coordinates need to be just the numbers and a - if needed.