Minecraft Username: Kasert Brief Description: While doing /rg i PaxValley you will see that the pre-fix "name:" will be later the name "Kasert" in the owner section this will be seen "Owner: Kasert*, name:nique0401* Instructions: Impossible to make, just happens sometimes when you add someone like owner How many times did you recreate this bug?: This is the only town where you will see this type of "error" Result: the Pre-fix "name:" will be later the name "Kasert" Expected Result: The Pre-Fix "name:" mustn't be later the name "Kasert" Evidence: How it must be http://prntscr.com/ay83v6 How it mustn't be http://prntscr.com/ay847h
The "name:" prefix happens when a new town is created. "/rg i Piville" in Rising shows "name:314" because "name:" is automatically added as prefix when a new town is created and the owner is added. it used to be different, that's why only towns created after this change (i.e., within the last months) show the prefix.
Names prefixed with "name:" don't use the uuid though. So if you're the owner of a town with name: and you change your minecraft name... rip
That is correct. I recommend a normal /rg ao of yourself. Thanks to testing with @MCHelix3000, I now know that having someone else to do /rg ro removes both normal names and name:username. Then the town owner can be re-added.
I <think> it began around the UUID conversion time in 1.7.x, so there might be a reason related to UUID compatibility; I don't know.