Minecraft Username: oxwood2 Brief Description: I lost an item when I sent someone a tp request and they accepted. Instructions: Send a tp request to someone in another world. Select an item from your inventory. They accept the tp request. The item will be thrown to the floor. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 3 Result: The item was thrown to the floor. Expected Result: The item would stay selected. Evidence: in a deleted post below. staff will be able to see it.
If I am correct this is part part of minecraft when you have an item selected like that it no longer is officially part of your inventory when getting a Tp the game will only keep what is directly in your inventory.
Well the thing is, when you try this in legacy and to someone in legacy, the item stays in your inventory
@oxwood2 This is a vanilla minecraft thing. Its not a bug or a glitch. If you have an item in your hand like that and you close your inventory...the item will drop. When you tp across worlds your inventory closes essentially simulating you closing your inventory causing you to drop that item. The item doesn't drop if you are tped in the same world because your inventory stays open. If this happens again and you have /back you just need to do that and your item will be there if nobody has picked it up.
Ok, Good . I think it would be nice to know the name of the man/woman who was generous enough to give back your star tool?