Thread title: Bug Report - Signed out when home Minecraft Username: Matberry Brief Description: This bug continues to sign me out of the website whenever I click "Home" Instructions: 1. Sign in to Ecocitycraft. 2. Make sure you're not on the home page. 3. Go to the home page. 4. Check the top-right corner. Are you still signed in? How many times did you recreate this bug?: I was not sure whether this was a bug or not at first, but in the course of approximately five days I recreated this bug approximately four times. Result: Signed out of website and forced to sign in again. Expected Result: The ability to view the home page whilst signed in. Evidence: None, however should others not be receiving this issue, I will be happy to provide screenshots. Merci.
After posting this, I attempted to reproduce it. NO RESULT. However, given the various agreements here, I believe that this may only be an occasional bug.
Okay, so I tried again today. SUCCESSFULLY REPRODUCED. I'd be happy if all those who did say they can reproduce this would state which browser they use just to double-check that that's not the issue. I'm on Mozilla Firefox.