Minecraft Username: @SirChilledMrHobo Brief Description: Diorite has a short name under /itemdb listed as "dstone", but upon using this in a trade sign, you get "Error you don't have netherrack." So basically "Dstone" is used for netherrack, but is listed under diorite. Granite has a short name under /itemdb listed as "gstone", but upon using this in a trade sign, you get "Error your don't have glowstone." So basically "gstone" is used for glow stone, but is listed under granite. Instructions: Create a trade sign for diorite using dstone, only to get an error. Create a trade sing for granite using gstone, only to get an error. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 3 Times Result: You cant use "Dstone" for diorite and "gstone" for granite. Expected Result: These should be removed from the short name lists. Maybe add these new short names: Diorite: Dio, Drite Granite: Gra, Gnite Evidence: N/A
I thought this was already known. @bobbysix6 and I found this a long time ago when I was selling him those blocks
I've removed dstone from netherrack. Come to think of it our items name file is such a horrible mess. I should post it somewhere and ask for the communities help in fixing it up. I'm going to make some changes to it myself and then do that.