Thread title: SG killing players money not earned. Minecraft Username: BackToThePast Brief Description: When you are in SG and you have a kit that has a sword with Fire Aspect on it and you kill a player. The console will say "_____ burned to death." This kill will not give you the $25 earned when you kill a player. Instructions: 1. Go in Survival Games. 2. Use a kit with a Fire Aspect Sword. 3. Kill someone. 4. Don't earn money and console will say "____ burned to death" How many times did you recreate this bug?: It happens all the time, as long as the player burns to death. Result: You will not earn the $25 for killing a player in SG. Expected Result: Earn $25. Evidence: It will happen if you do it in SG.
The bug was fixed, but another bug was found. When you are playing and you kill someone with a bow, the console will say "_____ has hit the ground to hard." You will not earn the money for doing this. andrewkm