Minecraft Username:person13 Brief Description: I sent a payment to a player named mattf26 by typing /pay matt 400 but the payment was sent twice; once to mattf26, once to matthew_gruber. Apparently, if a player sends money to a user but does not type the full username, then the money will be sent to more than one user. Instructions: Find a group of players with a similar phrasing in their name, as little as two letters, and send money addressed to that phrase. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 5 times, 3 are screenshotted below. Result: The money was sent to multiple users, draining the cost of each payment from my balance. Expected Result: I expected it would either send the money to the correct user, or send the standard message of either "Player Not Found," or "You need to specify a player to pay." Evidence: Spoiler The original occurrence made after typing /pay matt 400: Replication 1: Replication #2
Well, is there a way of eliminating the "pay the price" part? Perhaps by narrowing down how specific the username needs to be. Making it a requirement for players to type out a full username to send a payment seems like an alternative. I think this would take care of a lot of inconvenience in the future, as well as random 0.01 spam payments I tend to see in chat, like the ones I caused.
I'm sure there is someway, somehow, you can do that, but I don't think it's a big enough issue that Andrew has to go about fixing compared to other things. Likely andrew would just say the same thing as I did.
This is an intended feature, it's been there ever since I can remember. What it does it takes every username with that part of the name in it. Let's say you have 3 names meeprawr meepmeep and meep121 you type /pay meep 10, you'll pay all 3 of them 10, but if you type /pay meep1 10 then you'll only pay meep121 10. because meep1 is in meep121, but not in meepmeep or meeprawr. This is why you need to type people's full names when paying, especially when the name is fairly common,.