I made a bucket, which should sell for a decent amount alone, but I filled it with water, so I could get rid of some lava. But then I filled it with lava, except I couldn't place it as I don't have permission to do so. So I did the '/sell hand', however it sold for $0. I'm sure this is a bug because buckets without anything in them sells fine, but lava_bucket and water_bucket doesn't.
I don't think this is a bug, possibly due to infinite water sources being an easy way to make money, or people with the feature water/pyro being able to easily generate money. I'm not exactly sure though.
Yes,even buckets alone don't have a /sell price because you can them easily through /kits for pyro and water.
Oh right! Would there be a way to make it so that only people without the pyro/water package can sell them? Or would that not be possible? I'm not exactly sure whether servers are built through code or not lmao!
If there were, I doubt it would happen. There's other random things that sell for zero to the server, like iron bars if I remember correctly. It just, is what it is.
I am pretty sure iron bars are not 0$. I sold some and I think it was around 7-15$ per each one (but im not sure cuz i cant do /worth lol). Other things such as Iron Doors on the other hand can't even be sold to the server using /sell hand.
Since this is an economy server, coupled with the fact that donating is something to be encouraged and not discouraged, I doubt andrew would make it so non-donators could sell something that donators couldn't sell. My unsolicited advise is: Never make a bucket again (it isn't worth it). Buy/Sell them via the player market.
If you want, I will be more than happy to give you some free buckets. Just mail or message me in game
Unfortunately users would still be able to generate buckets, toss them to an alt, sell them, and receive the money right back. We won't be adding buckets to the /sell command.