Minecraft Username: Glimpseseer Brief Description: Upon issuing of the /rg removemember townname playername, the player isn't removed from the town due to the inability of the plugin (or whatever it is) to resolve the player name. Instructions: 1. Type /rg removemember danedor dawn8 How many times did you recreate this bug?: I have re-created this bug 100% of the time (6/6 of the times tried to remove the player) Result: The player was not removed from the region Expected Result: The player was expected to be removed from the region permissions. Evidence:
Any names suffixed by * are last seen names and may not be up to date. It is possible he/she changed names.
you can use http://namemc.com to check for username changes. In this case the new name is CardAgainstHuman. So try removing that one instead.