Minecraft Username: zedoker Brief Description: When you use a block that is power tooled in an SG match, the message displays. Instructions: Set a power tool (What works is: ch qm l Test.) Then go into an sg, find/use the item, and it uses power tools. How many times did you recreate this bug?: georgie0417 And I attempted it several times. Result: In the picture below. Im in sg 2 when this is happening. The apple is my power tool, in the evidence section. Expected Result: Powertool to be disabled Evidence:
I got in trouble once for having a trade message pt'ed to a golden apple :< (While in SG) Also, are you sure this is suppose to be disabled..?
This got me banned about a year ago, almost lost my ext commands.... I think so is supposed to be allowed although I wish it wasn't.
My friend had pt'ed /repair all command to a regular stone sword and couldn't use his miq sword in an SG. Not sure if it is a bug or not though xD