Minecraft Username: bomberaz1 Brief Description: Shortly after the launch of the new /buyfeature command, I noticed the in game price for the backpack feature is $300,000 ecd while the Wiki states it is $225,000 ecd. I am unsure if this applies to any other features. Instructions: 1. /buyfeature backpack results in displaying $300,000 price. 2. Go to the Wiki features page: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/wiki/index.php?title=Features#Backpack_-_.24225.2C000 and see displayed price for backpack ($225,000) How many times did you recreate this bug?: Three Result: Prices remain different Expected Result: Prices in Wiki should match price in /buyfeature backpack command. Thank you for all of the work to keeping this server up and running!
Um... isn't this just another effect of this? https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/new-buyfeature-bug.149889/