Thread title: NStar buy sign took too much exp Minecraft Username: Videowiz92 Brief Description: Was server hopping gathering exp to convert into nether stars and put in travel bag. Started with 2,912 exp according to tab, went to buy stars and was only able to buy 2 stars. 371 exp remaining after buying 2 stars when I should've have had 1,812. Instructions: 1. Right click nstar buy sign How many times did you recreate this? Just once. Result: NStar buy sign took too much exp. Quick math would've resulted in more than 2 stars being able to be bought which is why I reacted and hit the record button. Expected Result: NStar buy sign taking the proper amount of exp in order to convert exp into stars. Evidence:
Not quite sure if it is the Sign taking too much, Tab sometimes doesnt update properly, try doing /xp and then checking the sign tab isnt always an immediate update.
Thing is I've been sitting on that exp for months. Is tab really that inconsistent even after server restarts?
I am not sure, I just know I have noticed that TAB is not 100% updated all the time, and figured it was worth pointing out.
Tab only updates when your XP value “hard changes,” essentially when being pulled from your stats by the server, like the sign does. Minecraft mechanics that change your XP, like anvil usage or mob deaths, are “soft changes” and do not always update tab for whatever reason. /xp will always have the proper amount.