Name: @Thorpian Description of problem: When I do /home to go to a mob spawner I have set up, there are often mobs already in the collection area. This would theoretically cause much lag so I figured I'd post it here. Reproduced? Yep, many times. Additional notes: When returning directly after leaving, mobs remain spawned (makes sense). But concern is when it occurs with long time since last there (greater than 60 minutes). Does not appear to occur (or at least not as often) with triple spider spawners. Anecdotal. Seems to happen reasonably regularly. I'd say it has something to do with hostile mobs keeping the chunk loaded...but since a player has to be within like 9 blocks of a spawner for it to work, that would make no sense. Note: I have the /back feature and tp+ (not sure if those may affect this)
Reason for this is that it's possible others accidentally venture close enough to trigger a spawning cycle, or the chunks stop being loaded. If they aren't loaded they won't be affected by the butcher (I'm pretty sure) so anything left will still be there.
Ah, so if a user loads the chunk long enough for a spawning cycle, but not long enough for butcher to activate, then the mobs will stack up? Does the presence of these mobs create load on the server if the chunk isn't loaded?