Minecraft Username: quefueve Brief Description: Several Tools disappeared from a Repair Chest of one of my customers, splotchyjester2 Instructions: 1. Create Chest 2. /cprivate SplotchyJester2 to give access to said user to the chest. 3. User places enchanted tools inside, I repair them and return them to the chest. 4. Tools disappear, log shows no user taking the tools out after I put them in. How many times did you recreate this bug?: 1 Result: Tools Disappear from the chest. Expected Result: Tools are still inside the chest. Evidence: Sadly the logs were cleared recently, so Staff authorities probably can't check again. generaljoecool checked the chest while the logs were still on. I was supposed to post this Report about 2 days ago, but I couldn't do to several responsibilities I had to fulfill IRL. I apologize for this and also because of the fact I couldn't take a screenshot. I'll try to do further checking to see if this can be reproduced somehow.
yes this is all true, I had 2 diamond picks one had silk one had eff on it both had unbreaking 3 and efficiency 4. i also had a bunch of e d armor and an eshove and an epick. I lost a lot inthe chest though and it said quefueve took out stuff i handed to him.
While this does not conclude fully on what was in there, or what is missing, here is the screen of the logblock if it helps anyone that is looking into this