Minecraft Username: 314. Nobody else would file such completely absurd bug reports. Brief Description: @Pivillean can float in midair without being kicked by anticheat. Instructions: /tpahere Pivillean onto a block. Break the block. Wait for an anticheat kick. Anticheat kick for flying does not happen. Relogging decreases the fly height by about one block. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Result: No anticheat kick for flying. Expected Result: An anticheat kick for flying. Clients shouldn't be allowed to float in the air. If they are, the height shouldn't decrease when relogging. Evidence: Spoiler: Before relogging Spoiler: After relogging Very short FAQ: Q: Why Pivillean? A: Pivillean cannot move. Pivillean can't even be pushed because he pretty much ignores movement packets from the server. That's what happens if I want to save a few lines of code. Additional information: 1. This isn't client-sided, multiple staff members have confirmed it. 2. Jamie - by now I am absolutely certain that I have taken your "Bots cannot move" rule too literally.
It's likely that anticheat doesn't check for non moving flying, plus, I see no harm as it's something that has been changed at the protocol level.