Minecraft Username: crossfire26 Brief Description: When a door, iron door, or a chest is locked, and you right click to open them, the "locked by:..." message is doubled. Specifically for doors, this is a problem because they will not open unless you left click. Instructions: 1. Place a door of either type 2. Lock the door 3. Right click the door to open 4. See the double message and not be able to open or 1. Place a chest 2. Lock it 3. Open the chest 4. See the double message How many times did you recreate this bug?: I recreated this bug multiple times using doors, iron doors, chests, and trapdoors. Chests and trapdoors, while openable, still receive the double message. Result: You are unable to open a door without left clicking, and with all mentioned items, the LWC message is repeated. Expected Result: You should be able to right click to open doors and not receive the message twice when locked. Evidence: http://prntscr.com/2ggyq3 This is the best/only way I could show the bug without video evidence which I am unable to do.
I am also having this problem, I also must add that with double iron doors the sound of them opening is heard but they do not open.
I put this up before you guys just didn't word it the same way XD but yes I do get the sounds and a double message but the other door just won't open.