Thread title: When entered into a party, specifically fishing, the mcmmo exp you earn goes down Minecraft Username: sick24 Brief Description: When not in an MCMMO party, the user will earn 25 MCMMO exp per fish caught. When the user is in an MCMMO party, they will only earn 19 MCMMO exp per fish caught Instructions: 1.Create and enter into an MCMMO party 2.With your partner near and fishing, do /party expshare equal 3.Catch fish 4. Observe that you only earn 19 MCMMO exp per fish How many times did you recreate this bug?: More than 5 times Result: User only earns 19 MCMMO exp per fish Expected Result: User should earn 25 x 1.5 which is 37.5 MCMMO exp Evidence: None, but if someone cannot confirm this I will take screenshots ~sick24
The party share is meant so that multiple people share exp, meaning more people is more exp at the cost of lower exp gain for each individual.