I suggest testing this with a regular user, because maybe just maybe Smod+ has permission to also break lwc'ed blocks, if you need someone to test with i can help out. RyanJF1 Nvm, ryan had told me that dont/shouldnt have perms to break lwc's so most likely it is a lwc bug.
I have confirmed the lwc bug involving a lever. I was not able to replicate the bug with the button as I was not able to lock the button.
All confirmed with both ryanjf1 and skylexia, my fix is on its way, it deals with the faces of the chest being clicked on, and the other is also an issue with faces of the blocks. in short the blocks are technically in 1 block while the other is in another, this allows both to be protected. and one to leave a residue of an lwc protection Hidendra This should be enough, i attempted to check for blocks on the face of chests and blocks on faces of other blocks. This is very easy to fix, but a little annoying to code. I will be posting this also on the lwc github page for hidendra to see as a few older players know why he wont be seeing it here.
Yes. I tried /lock and /cprivate on a button, no luck... strange, I'll try it in real time with you sometime soon.