Minecraft Username: @CrazySwagMaster1 Brief Description: I lost an msword due to the most recent server crash. Instructions: 1) place chest at (-3553, 67, -4570, legacy). 2) have @FuryFudge place item in the chest. 3) server crash. How many times did you recreate this bug?: once. Result: Chest has vanished, though logs from myself and fury adding/removing the sword is still there. Expected Result: Chest would still be there, or there would be logs of someone breaking the chest at the very least. Evidence: I also found a similar bug report @priMELval posted here: https://www.ecocitycraft.com/forum/threads/bug-report-items-wiped.140893/
I believe the server crash made it disappear because the world backups don't happen as often as the player inventory backups. FuryFudge put the item in the chest, the server crashed. His inventory was saved without the item, but the chest containing the item was not saved.
If the tool was /owned and you have the ID then you should post it. It would smoothen out the process of getting the tool back.