Minecraft Username: Jwpwns Brief Description: when you /lock a lever you can no longer use it. Instructions: ./lock a lever you can no longer move the lever. How many times did you recreate this bug?: every time. Expected Result: Possibly fix it? people keep turning off my lights lol would like to lock the levers. Evidence: just lock a lever lol.
i think you need is type /lock and clcik on lever and its should be locked as i know as far my is always locked
His problem is not that he can't lock a lever: his problem is that, after he locks a lever, he can no longer turn it on/off. @jwpwns have you tried using the command /lwc flag redstone on after you lock the lever? https://github.com/Hidendra/LWC/wiki/Protection-Flags
Just tested, it works. Btw, you need to use that command on every redstone-related block that you want to lock, otherwise it will be locked but won't interact with redstone.
I didn't know of them either, until recently: for the record, I discovered them during the midsummer festival, when I asked @outerlocal whether he built some small hidden redstone circuitry to auto-close the doors (and the answer was no)