IGN: Sinder33 I keep crashing all the time on ECC, yesterday I crashed 6 times within the day. So far I crashed twice today. NOTE: This only happen on ECC, not other servers. I can't really find the pattern, but hope the crash report will help Crash report:
I've had a similar kind of issue... and once even after I was playing fine for a while then crashed when I teleported to one of my homes. I don't know if what I did actually fixed the root cause, but, it hasn't happened since. (*fingers crossed*) 1. Update Java, both 32 & 64-bit versions. 2. Check/update video card drivers. 3. Install any OS updates that might be pending. 4. Restart computer. 5. Relauch MC without mods (optifine, etc) and test. If that works... 6. Launch MC with mods and test. If that doesn't work, see #5.
I thought I had already posted here... but apparently not. And, well, now KMax was first. As KMax already said - it may be a non-updated Java, yours is on 8u25 while the current is 8u65.