1. Minecraft Username:38833 2. 3. Brief Description:The forum sometimes freezes up and I can’t type anything. 4. 5. Instructions:1. Type a long post that takes ~15 min. 6. 7. How many times did you recreate this bug?:At least 10! 8. 9. Result:It freezes due to “a long-running script.” 10. 11.Expected Result:It should not do that 12. I have no evidence. 13.Note: In my browser, I can “stop” the script but if I try to post I get an error.
internet explorer.. May I suggest you start using google chrome or Mozilla Firefox? Internet explorer 9 has a MASSIVE security problem. (that and internet explorer)
Kuke, I never heard that. Because I'm into computers, please elaborate or send me a link. Anyways, I will try different browsers and see if it works.
Internet explorer is considered the joke browser of the coding world. IE has HUUUUUGEEE internet security issues and is extremely demanding on ram for the cpu, IE. you are playing MC and a window is open in the browser, as both use java it will eventually crash both. My suggestion? Uninstall IE completely. Get either Mozilla Firefox, its free and very good, or Google Chrome which is also free