Minecraft Username: Matberry Brief Description: Upon the felling of the trees using the "Tree Feller" ability with a diamond axe, oak wood will appear under Item-Db 17,8 instead of Item-Db 17,0. Instructions: - Spawn an oak tree - Using a diamond axe (mine was Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV), right-click the oak tree's base to raise the axe, then destroy it whilst the Tree Feller ability lasts. - You will notice, if you collect the wood, you receive oak wood as both Item-Db 17,8 and Item-Db 17,0 which will not stack together, and you must replace the 17,8 oak logs in order to receive a full set of 17,0 Oak Logs - This is annoying for us farmers as we have to waste time getting the correct type of log. How many times did you recreate this bug?: I didn't count, about ten times in the last 3 hours or so. This did NOT happen yesterday. Result: Wrong Item-DB Expected Result: Correct Item-DB on all logs (17,0) Evidence: