Minecraft Username: _RuckaMC Brief Description: Certain items under /cooldowns are slightly inaccurate / don't display correctly visually. (The timer itself is okay, though.) Instructions: 1. Perform /cooldowns with either /rfl draw or /sell all on cooldown. 2. Notice similar results as what is in the screenshot below. How many times did you recreate this?: Many. Result: /rfl draw displays "lottery draw", and /sell all shows "^^sell +all(.*)?" rather than "sell all". Expected Result: /sell all should simply show "sell all" without those few rather interesting characters, and "lottery draw" should be aptly renamed to "raffle draw", or something of this sort. Evidence: https://prnt.sc/XhzTHpXt_H29
Thanks, we will work on this, although this command has yet to be officially released and is still in beta. Nice catch.
The two commands I mentioned have been fixed, however I discovered a similar flaw in the visual aspect of /cooldowns as it relates to /sell hand.
I don't follow what you're saying one bit. Please show a screenshot of what you mean. Everything looks fine to me: