Minecraft Username: AndroidLollipop Brief Description: Unable to access any bank commands ingame. (/bank deposit 10,000 or /bank withdraw 10,000, or just even /bal). It told me to contact a SA immediatley. The money is still in my forum balance, just not accessible ingame. Instructions: Simple- Do /bank bal or any other bank related command that takes money in or out of the bank. Nothing happens. If you try to withdraw, it yells at you. How many times did you recreate this bug?: Multiple times. Other users online reported this same issue. Result: Nothing happens, I cant get my money out of the bank, or check my bal. The ingame plugin for some reason cannot contact the bank. But notice, that by checking my forum bal I have 46,111. And on the screenshot below, I tried to take out all of my forum bal. Expected Result: To get money out Evidence: